
  70-jähriges Jubiläum der Marke Alpine


After having paid tribute to “the” founder Jean Rédélé in 2022 and to the world rally championship team winner in 2023…

In 2025 we'll be celebrating 70 years of industrial adventure for the Dieppe brand, and salute the many contributing players in the Alpine epic in Dieppe and abroad.

The official poster, to be unveiled in January, shall feature the models produced from 1955 to 2025.  On Ascension week-end you'll see them in real size in a large “Musée éphémère” (“temporary vehicle exhibition”) on Dieppe’s waterfront.

On top of the unmissable “Dieppe Passion Alpine” village and the “Musée éphémère”, we can already disclose some of the activities planned in common by IDéA and Alpine Cars during this 2025 Ascension      

Friday May 30th:         

2 touristic rallyes (with new roadbooks) will take you along the beautiful coastal roads of the Dieppe hinterland associated with some memorable visits.  Some (few) others may be lucky enough to visit the Manufacture Jean Rédélé.


Saturday 31st:               

Dieppe streets and sea front shall roar to the sound of a bunch of mythical Alpine in a dynamic parade. 

We've also decided to revamp our marquee dinners toward a festive anniversary dinner.


Sunday June 1st: Be part of the biggest Alpine parade ever held in the world following the trail from the former Dieppe / Saint Aubin Grand Prix circuit from 1925 to 1939.

 A host of attractions and surprises will be on offer on the sea front alongside 

Inscriptions from mid-January 2025 on  www.70ansalpinedieppe.fr/ 

This year we'd like to give a special pride place to Alpine's “Grand Mothers” cars (A106, A108, GT4, A110 “Tour de France” (manufactured before January 1967) and to foreign licensed productions (Interlagos, FASA, Dinalpin, Bulgaralpin). Their owners will benefit from a central location and special conditions for registration.

In the meantime, we recommend you to already book your accommodation (if necessary, you can contact us at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!)

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